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Horoscope & Astrological Predictions

The horroscope have been from the very beginning a tool for the study of individuality. Without relating the motions of the heavenly bodies to a specific time and place on Earth, you have no personal indication at all, only a general one that applies to everyone on the planet born on a particular day.

Individual astrology is not merely a study of what will happen to people in the course of their lives. It is the study of the whole human life and everything about it such as birth, childhood, relationships throughout life, self image, the images projected onto others, the calling, feelings, and the patterns of energy that one generates around oneself.

Astrology is holistic; it tries to put the universe together rather than pull it apart, seeking correspondences among remote planets, ancient myth symbols and our lives here and now. Astrolgy realizes that the universe is full of mysteries, many of which are beyond human comprehension.

Astrologers accept the fact that those correspondences that are the very foundation of astrology are not only unexplained, but may be unexplainable. Astrologers tend to believe, as did Socrates, that the unexamined life is not worth living. Millions of people spend multimillions of hours and multimillions of dollars a year on astrology books, magazines, horoscopes, lectures and consultations.


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