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Birth Stone Gems & Jewelries

A birthstone is a gift of a precious material themselves traditionally associated with various qualities that symbolizes the month of birth. It is sometimes also called birthday stone. There have been many different sets of birthstones used throughout history and in different cultures.
Gems have long played a rich role in many cultures, religions, and mythologies. Centuries before jewelers were thinking about gems commercially, astrologers were ascribing heavenly associations to them, Hindus were connecting them to the energy centers of the body. The origin of the birthstone, denoting a specific gem to each month of the year, dates back to at least the first century.
There is speculation that the twelve stones in the breastplate of the Jewish high priest may have had some bearing on the concept. Interpreters of the Bible's Book of Revelations, during the eighth and ninth centuries, began to ascribe to each of those gems attributes of the 12 apostles. Over the years, there have been many variations to this list.

Use this information to help make jewelry and gift choices for all occasions. Whichever system you choose to follow, knowing a little lore can add a lot to the experience of buying or receiving a special gem.



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